13.05.15 - GEOGRAFIE



WSC Project was published in the book Geografie:
Representations of the world between art and design.

19.02.15 - Le Magazine Du Monde



13.04.14 - LINDA MODE

Thank you Linda!

13.06.13 - During Fetishism in Fashion at Coming Soon Arnhem


During the M BA Fetishism in Fashion the WSC scarves will be shown and sold at Coming Soon Arnhem

01.06.13 - WSC at VAN DIJK RDAM

download (1)

On june 6 from 19:00-21:00 the WSC scarves are showed at Wendela van Dijk, Rotterdam.

16.05.13 - Residence

The scarf of the Netherlands in the residence special a Tribute to Holland.
Thank you Residence!

16.02.13 - Frankie Magazine!


Thank you Frankie Magazine for this nice interview!



27.10.12 - New York Times Style Magazine

Thanks to the Jewish Museum and Andrea Schwan the WSC Scarves will be featured in the next New York Times Style Magazine!


26.10.12 - T Magazine NY Times

Preview on the article written by Nancy McDonnel for T Magazine: Social Neckwork!

24.10.12 - Frizzifrizzi


Schermafbeelding 2012-10-27 om 15.05.00
Thank you Frizzifrizzi for this post!

18.10.12 - Sight Unseen

Sighted on one my No.1 online magazines: Sight Unseen.Thank you Jilll and Monica!

25.09.12 - Wallpaper Case Studies

Thank you Wallpaper for highlighting the WSC scarves in the Case Studies!.

20.09.12 - Ecosalon

Thank you Ecosalon for this post!.

19.09.12 - ELLE Decoration

Thank you ELLE decoration for this post and the publishing the project in the latest october issue.

18.09.12 - Bloesem!

Thank you Bloesem for the sweet post!

15.09.12 - ELLE inside design

Come and feel the scarves at the ELLE inside design fair in IJburg Amsterdam.


14.09.12 - TRENDLAND

Thank you TRENDLAND for this post!

24.08.12 - Core 77


Tuttobene brings dutch design to the big apple: -Reineke Otten’s “World Skin Colors” scarves were a definite standout-

04.07.12 - NYIGF 18-22 august

This summer the WSC project goes USA! The world skin colors scarves will be shown during the New York International gift fair at the Tuttobene stand. The NYIGF Blog wrote a post about it.

01.01.12 - WSC Maps printed in a limited Edition

The WSC maps are available now.
Prints are made by Bernard Ruijgrok and are framed in wood.
Size: 33 x 42,5 cm/ 13 x 16.7 inch.
Price: 250,-

The following countries are in stock:
Bosnia Herzegovina
Virgin Islands

06.10.11 - Museum De Paviljoens

In 1993, The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) exhibited a selection from its first five years (1988-1992), under the title De Kracht van Heden (The Power of Now).
For the exhibition The Dutch Identity? The Power of Now Museum De Paviljoens made a new selection of artists, designers and architects who where among the first to receive a grant for research, new work, travel or exhibitions in the period between 1988 and 1992. This group now belongs to the top of contemporary culture. Museum De Paviljoens paired this selection with a choice from the last five years of the Fonds BKVB.
The WSC project is exhibited during the exhibition “The Dutch Identity” until march 04.

06.09.11 - Gwangju Design Biennale

Design is Design is not Design
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Curated by Ai Weiwei and Brendan McGetrick
Gwangju, South- Korea.

For the Gwangju Design Biennale I was asked to do a research on the anonymous design in the city of Gwangju. The observational photo series are accompanied by every day artifacts found in Gwangju. I have focussed on the most normal, the un-named, the anonymous everyday elements in the city. Altogether this work tells little stories about the un-named design of everyday life.

New York Times 0102


17.03.11 - BNR-Radio

Radio interview about the WSC Scarves with Paul van Liempt on BNR radio 1.
To listen select “Eerder op BNR”/17 march/10:15/15 min.

25.06.10 - De Groene Amsterdammer

Special Edition about the work exhibited during the show “In your face” at the Centraal Museum Utrecht.

Download the issue here:
Groene Amsterdammer

19.06.10 - Centraal Museum Utrecht

In your Face: Of the more than 350 artists who received a contribution from the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, director Edwin Jacobs and all the curators of the Centraal Museum have made a selection. This way, the museum tries to present a broad view on what is going on in the art world at the moment.

Reineke was commissioned to make new work based on the WSC project. She developed and presented the WSC-scarves made in collaboration with LUST.


14.05.09 - TENT Rotterdam

Source Material presents the work of eight contemporary artists who use catalogueing, collection and classification as an artistic method in order to reconsider the meaning of history, identity and time.
The WSC-Project is exhibited during this exhibition at TENT, Rotterdam.

07.02.09 - Triennale Hasselt

Superstories curated by Koos Flinterman.
The Hasselt Triennial is a dynamic art project for contemporary arts, fashion and design, and all possible relations between them.
The WSC project is exposed at the Modemuseum in Hasselt during Superstories.

15.12.07 - Shenzhen & Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture

The WSC project is exhibited during the Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture with the theme: City of expiration and regeneration (CoER)
Curated by Qingyun Ma & Charlie Koolhaas.